Outstanding Dietetic Student (4 Available)

The purpose of the Outstanding Dietetic Student Award is to recognize the emerging leadership and achievement of students in ACEND-accredited and approved dietetics education programs and encourage their participation in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

**Up to 4 student awards may be named.**

Criteria for Selection

  1. Member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Students must be members by January 1st of the year in which they would receive the award. Students must supply their membership number; membership identification numbers will not be provided to a third party (i.e., educators).

  2. Student enrolled in ACEND-accredited dietetics education program.

  3. Demonstrated academic achievement as documented by letters from program faculty or preceptor.

  4. Demonstrated leadership and professional potential; e.g., honors, student dietetic association activities, community service activities, etc.

To nominate a recipient, complete this form.